Akçadağ Bej | Akcadag Beige
Mohs Hardness:
Shore Hardness:
Unit Volume Weight Densty:
Water absorbtion at Atmospheric Pressure by Weight :
Compressive Strenght After Freezing:
Compressive Strenght UTC:
Strenght to Bending:
Avarage Tensile Strenght:
Elastite Modülü:
Kround (SIC):
Kround (Korund):
Shore Hardness:
Unit Volume Weight Densty:
Water absorbtion at Atmospheric Pressure by Weight :
Compressive Strenght After Freezing:
Compressive Strenght UTC:
Strenght to Bending:
Avarage Tensile Strenght:
Elastite Modülü:
Kround (SIC):
Kround (Korund):
3 – 4
2,68 gr/cm3
:0,10 %
0,96 %
81,28 Mpa – 813 Kgf/cm2
79,67 Mpa – 797 Kgf/cm2
8,94 Mpa – 89 Kgf/cm2
1,39 Mpa – 13,9 Kgf/cm2
0,6 Mpa – 6 Kgf/cm2
19,7 Gpa
31,00 cm/50cm2;
9,73 cm/50cm2
2,68 gr/cm3
:0,10 %
0,96 %
81,28 Mpa – 813 Kgf/cm2
79,67 Mpa – 797 Kgf/cm2
8,94 Mpa – 89 Kgf/cm2
1,39 Mpa – 13,9 Kgf/cm2
0,6 Mpa – 6 Kgf/cm2
19,7 Gpa
31,00 cm/50cm2;
9,73 cm/50cm2